

Name Type Description Notes
id str The id of the component. [optional]
versioned_component_id str The ID of the corresponding component that is under version control [optional]
parent_group_id str The id of parent process group of this component if applicable. [optional]
position PositionDTO The position of this component in the UI if applicable. [optional]
source ConnectableDTO The source of the connection. [optional]
destination ConnectableDTO The destination of the connection. [optional]
name str The name of the connection. [optional]
label_index int The index of the bend point where to place the connection label. [optional]
getz_index int The z index of the connection. [optional]
selected_relationships list[str] The selected relationship that comprise the connection. [optional]
available_relationships list[str] The relationships that the source of the connection currently supports. [optional]
back_pressure_object_threshold int The object count threshold for determining when back pressure is applied. Updating this value is a passive change in the sense that it won't impact whether existing files over the limit are affected but it does help feeder processors to stop pushing too much into this work queue. [optional]
back_pressure_data_size_threshold str The object data size threshold for determining when back pressure is applied. Updating this value is a passive change in the sense that it won't impact whether existing files over the limit are affected but it does help feeder processors to stop pushing too much into this work queue. [optional]
flow_file_expiration str The amount of time a flow file may be in the flow before it will be automatically aged out of the flow. Once a flow file reaches this age it will be terminated from the flow the next time a processor attempts to start work on it. [optional]
prioritizers list[str] The comparators used to prioritize the queue. [optional]
bends list[PositionDTO] The bend points on the connection. [optional]

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