

Name Type Description Notes
id str The event uuid. [optional]
event_id int The event id. This is a one up number thats unique per node. [optional]
event_time str The timestamp of the event. [optional]
event_duration int The event duration in milliseconds. [optional]
lineage_duration int The duration since the lineage began, in milliseconds. [optional]
event_type str The type of the event. [optional]
flow_file_uuid str The uuid of the flowfile for the event. [optional]
file_size str The size of the flowfile for the event. [optional]
file_size_bytes int The size of the flowfile in bytes for the event. [optional]
cluster_node_id str The identifier for the node where the event originated. [optional]
cluster_node_address str The label for the node where the event originated. [optional]
group_id str The id of the group that the component resides in. If the component is no longer in the flow, the group id will not be set. [optional]
component_id str The id of the component that generated the event. [optional]
component_type str The type of the component that generated the event. [optional]
component_name str The name of the component that generated the event. [optional]
source_system_flow_file_id str The source system flowfile id. [optional]
alternate_identifier_uri str The alternate identifier uri for the fileflow for the event. [optional]
attributes list[AttributeDTO] The attributes of the flowfile for the event. [optional]
parent_uuids list[str] The parent uuids for the event. [optional]
child_uuids list[str] The child uuids for the event. [optional]
transit_uri str The source/destination system uri if the event was a RECEIVE/SEND. [optional]
relationship str The relationship to which the flowfile was routed if the event is of type ROUTE. [optional]
details str The event details. [optional]
content_equal bool Whether the input and output content claim is the same. [optional]
input_content_available bool Whether the input content is still available. [optional]
input_content_claim_section str The section in which the input content claim lives. [optional]
input_content_claim_container str The container in which the input content claim lives. [optional]
input_content_claim_identifier str The identifier of the input content claim. [optional]
input_content_claim_offset int The offset into the input content claim where the flowfiles content begins. [optional]
input_content_claim_file_size str The file size of the input content claim formatted. [optional]
input_content_claim_file_size_bytes int The file size of the intput content claim in bytes. [optional]
output_content_available bool Whether the output content is still available. [optional]
output_content_claim_section str The section in which the output content claim lives. [optional]
output_content_claim_container str The container in which the output content claim lives. [optional]
output_content_claim_identifier str The identifier of the output content claim. [optional]
output_content_claim_offset int The offset into the output content claim where the flowfiles content begins. [optional]
output_content_claim_file_size str The file size of the output content claim formatted. [optional]
output_content_claim_file_size_bytes int The file size of the output content claim in bytes. [optional]
replay_available bool Whether or not replay is available. [optional]
replay_explanation str Explanation as to why replay is unavailable. [optional]
source_connection_identifier str The identifier of the queue/connection from which the flowfile was pulled to genereate this event. May be null if the queue/connection is unknown or the flowfile was generated from this event. [optional]

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