

Name Type Description Notes
total_non_heap str Total size of non heap. [optional]
total_non_heap_bytes int Total number of bytes allocated to the JVM not used for heap [optional]
used_non_heap str Amount of use non heap. [optional]
used_non_heap_bytes int Total number of bytes used by the JVM not in the heap space [optional]
free_non_heap str Amount of free non heap. [optional]
free_non_heap_bytes int Total number of free non-heap bytes available to the JVM [optional]
max_non_heap str Maximum size of non heap. [optional]
max_non_heap_bytes int The maximum number of bytes that the JVM can use for non-heap purposes [optional]
non_heap_utilization str Utilization of non heap. [optional]
total_heap str Total size of heap. [optional]
total_heap_bytes int The total number of bytes that are available for the JVM heap to use [optional]
used_heap str Amount of used heap. [optional]
used_heap_bytes int The number of bytes of JVM heap that are currently being used [optional]
free_heap str Amount of free heap. [optional]
free_heap_bytes int The number of bytes that are allocated to the JVM heap but not currently being used [optional]
max_heap str Maximum size of heap. [optional]
max_heap_bytes int The maximum number of bytes that can be used by the JVM [optional]
heap_utilization str Utilization of heap. [optional]
available_processors int Number of available processors if supported by the underlying system. [optional]
processor_load_average float The processor load average if supported by the underlying system. [optional]
total_threads int Total number of threads. [optional]
daemon_threads int Number of daemon threads. [optional]
uptime str The uptime of the Java virtual machine [optional]
flow_file_repository_storage_usage StorageUsageDTO The flowfile repository storage usage. [optional]
content_repository_storage_usage list[StorageUsageDTO] The content repository storage usage. [optional]
provenance_repository_storage_usage list[StorageUsageDTO] The provenance repository storage usage. [optional]
garbage_collection list[GarbageCollectionDTO] The garbage collection details. [optional]
stats_last_refreshed str When the diagnostics were generated. [optional]
version_info VersionInfoDTO The nifi, os, java, and build version information [optional]

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