

Name Type Description Notes
identity str The user identity being serialized. [optional]
anonymous bool Whether the current user is anonymous. [optional]
provenance_permissions PermissionsDTO Permissions for querying provenance. [optional]
counters_permissions PermissionsDTO Permissions for accessing counters. [optional]
tenants_permissions PermissionsDTO Permissions for accessing tenants. [optional]
controller_permissions PermissionsDTO Permissions for accessing the controller. [optional]
policies_permissions PermissionsDTO Permissions for accessing the policies. [optional]
system_permissions PermissionsDTO Permissions for accessing system. [optional]
restricted_components_permissions PermissionsDTO Permissions for accessing restricted components. Note: the read permission are not used and will always be false. [optional]
can_version_flows bool Whether the current user can version flows. [optional]

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