

Name Type Description Notes
search_terms dict(str, str) The search terms used to perform the search. [optional]
cluster_node_id str The id of the node in the cluster where this provenance originated. [optional]
start_date str The earliest event time to include in the query. [optional]
end_date str The latest event time to include in the query. [optional]
minimum_file_size str The minimum file size to include in the query. [optional]
maximum_file_size str The maximum file size to include in the query. [optional]
max_results int The maximum number of results to include. [optional]
summarize bool Whether or not to summarize provenance events returned. This property is false by default. [optional]
incremental_results bool Whether or not incremental results are returned. If false, provenance events are only returned once the query completes. This property is true by default. [optional]

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