

Name Type Description Notes
active_thread_count int The number of active threads in the NiFi. [optional]
queued str The number of flowfiles queued in the NiFi. [optional]
flow_files_queued int The number of FlowFiles queued across the entire flow [optional]
bytes_queued int The size of the FlowFiles queued across the entire flow [optional]
running_count int The number of running components in the NiFi. [optional]
stopped_count int The number of stopped components in the NiFi. [optional]
invalid_count int The number of invalid components in the NiFi. [optional]
disabled_count int The number of disabled components in the NiFi. [optional]
active_remote_port_count int The number of active remote ports in the NiFi. [optional]
inactive_remote_port_count int The number of inactive remote ports in the NiFi. [optional]
up_to_date_count int The number of up to date versioned process groups in the NiFi. [optional]
locally_modified_count int The number of locally modified versioned process groups in the NiFi. [optional]
stale_count int The number of stale versioned process groups in the NiFi. [optional]
locally_modified_and_stale_count int The number of locally modified and stale versioned process groups in the NiFi. [optional]
sync_failure_count int The number of versioned process groups in the NiFi that are unable to sync to a registry. [optional]

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