

Name Type Description Notes
id str The id of the process group. [optional]
name str The name of this process group. [optional]
connection_status_snapshots list[ConnectionStatusSnapshotEntity] The status of all conenctions in the process group. [optional]
processor_status_snapshots list[ProcessorStatusSnapshotEntity] The status of all processors in the process group. [optional]
process_group_status_snapshots list[ProcessGroupStatusSnapshotEntity] The status of all process groups in the process group. [optional]
remote_process_group_status_snapshots list[RemoteProcessGroupStatusSnapshotEntity] The status of all remote process groups in the process group. [optional]
input_port_status_snapshots list[PortStatusSnapshotEntity] The status of all input ports in the process group. [optional]
output_port_status_snapshots list[PortStatusSnapshotEntity] The status of all output ports in the process group. [optional]
versioned_flow_state str The current state of the Process Group, as it relates to the Versioned Flow [optional]
flow_files_in int The number of FlowFiles that have come into this ProcessGroup in the last 5 minutes [optional]
bytes_in int The number of bytes that have come into this ProcessGroup in the last 5 minutes [optional]
input str The input count/size for the process group in the last 5 minutes (pretty printed). [optional]
flow_files_queued int The number of FlowFiles that are queued up in this ProcessGroup right now [optional]
bytes_queued int The number of bytes that are queued up in this ProcessGroup right now [optional]
queued str The count/size that is queued in the the process group. [optional]
queued_count str The count that is queued for the process group. [optional]
queued_size str The size that is queued for the process group. [optional]
bytes_read int The number of bytes read by components in this ProcessGroup in the last 5 minutes [optional]
read str The number of bytes read in the last 5 minutes. [optional]
bytes_written int The number of bytes written by components in this ProcessGroup in the last 5 minutes [optional]
written str The number of bytes written in the last 5 minutes. [optional]
flow_files_out int The number of FlowFiles transferred out of this ProcessGroup in the last 5 minutes [optional]
bytes_out int The number of bytes transferred out of this ProcessGroup in the last 5 minutes [optional]
output str The output count/size for the process group in the last 5 minutes. [optional]
flow_files_transferred int The number of FlowFiles transferred in this ProcessGroup in the last 5 minutes [optional]
bytes_transferred int The number of bytes transferred in this ProcessGroup in the last 5 minutes [optional]
transferred str The count/size transferred to/from queues in the process group in the last 5 minutes. [optional]
bytes_received int The number of bytes received from external sources by components within this ProcessGroup in the last 5 minutes [optional]
flow_files_received int The number of FlowFiles received from external sources by components within this ProcessGroup in the last 5 minutes [optional]
received str The count/size sent to the process group in the last 5 minutes. [optional]
bytes_sent int The number of bytes sent to an external sink by components within this ProcessGroup in the last 5 minutes [optional]
flow_files_sent int The number of FlowFiles sent to an external sink by components within this ProcessGroup in the last 5 minutes [optional]
sent str The count/size sent from this process group in the last 5 minutes. [optional]
active_thread_count int The active thread count for this process group. [optional]

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