

Name Type Description Notes
revision RevisionDTO The revision for this request/response. The revision is required for any mutable flow requests and is included in all responses. [optional]
id str The id of the component. [optional]
uri str The URI for futures requests to the component. [optional]
position PositionDTO The position of this component in the UI if applicable. [optional]
permissions PermissionsDTO The permissions for this component. [optional]
bulletins list[BulletinEntity] The bulletins for this component. [optional]
component ConnectionDTO [optional]
status ConnectionStatusDTO The status of the connection. [optional]
bends list[PositionDTO] The bend points on the connection. [optional]
label_index int The index of the bend point where to place the connection label. [optional]
getz_index int The z index of the connection. [optional]
source_id str The identifier of the source of this connection. [optional]
source_group_id str The identifier of the group of the source of this connection. [optional]
source_type str The type of component the source connectable is.
destination_id str The identifier of the destination of this connection. [optional]
destination_group_id str The identifier of the group of the destination of this connection. [optional]
destination_type str The type of component the destination connectable is.

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