
Name Type Description Notes
id str The id of the component. [optional]
versioned_component_id str The ID of the corresponding component that is under version control [optional]
parent_group_id str The id of parent process group of this component if applicable. [optional]
position PositionDTO The position of this component in the UI if applicable. [optional]
name str The name of the port. [optional]
comments str The comments for the port. [optional]
state str The state of the port. [optional]
type str The type of port. [optional]
transmitting bool Whether the port has incoming or output connections to a remote NiFi. This is only applicable when the port is running in the root group. [optional]
concurrently_schedulable_task_count int The number of tasks that should be concurrently scheduled for the port. [optional]
user_access_control list[str] The users that are allowed to access the port. [optional]
group_access_control list[str] The user groups that are allowed to access the port. [optional]
validation_errors list[str] Gets the validation errors from this port. These validation errors represent the problems with the port that must be resolved before it can be started. [optional]

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