

Name Type Description Notes
group_id str The unique ID of the process group that the Processor belongs to [optional]
id str The unique ID of the Processor [optional]
name str The name of the Processor [optional]
type str The type of the Processor [optional]
run_status str The run status of the Processor [optional]
stats_last_refreshed str The timestamp of when the stats were last refreshed [optional]
aggregate_snapshot ProcessorStatusSnapshotDTO A status snapshot that represents the aggregate stats of all nodes in the cluster. If the NiFi instance is a standalone instance, rather than a cluster, this represents the stats of the single instance. [optional]
node_snapshots list[NodeProcessorStatusSnapshotDTO] A status snapshot for each node in the cluster. If the NiFi instance is a standalone instance, rather than a cluster, this may be null. [optional]

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