

Name Type Description Notes
id str The id of the component. [optional]
versioned_component_id str The ID of the corresponding component that is under version control [optional]
parent_group_id str The id of parent process group of this component if applicable. [optional]
position PositionDTO The position of this component in the UI if applicable. [optional]
target_uri str The target URI of the remote process group. If target uri is not set, but uris are set, then returns the first url in the urls. If neither target uri nor uris are set, then returns null. [optional]
target_uris str The target URI of the remote process group. If target uris is not set but target uri is set, then returns a collection containing the single target uri. If neither target uris nor uris are set, then returns null. [optional]
target_secure bool Whether the target is running securely. [optional]
name str The name of the remote process group. [optional]
comments str The comments for the remote process group. [optional]
communications_timeout str The time period used for the timeout when communicating with the target. [optional]
yield_duration str When yielding, this amount of time must elapse before the remote process group is scheduled again. [optional]
transport_protocol str [optional]
local_network_interface str The local network interface to send/receive data. If not specified, any local address is used. If clustered, all nodes must have an interface with this identifier. [optional]
proxy_host str [optional]
proxy_port int [optional]
proxy_user str [optional]
proxy_password str [optional]
authorization_issues list[str] Any remote authorization issues for the remote process group. [optional]
validation_errors list[str] The validation errors for the remote process group. These validation errors represent the problems with the remote process group that must be resolved before it can transmit. [optional]
transmitting bool Whether the remote process group is actively transmitting. [optional]
input_port_count int The number of remote input ports currently available on the target. [optional]
output_port_count int The number of remote output ports currently available on the target. [optional]
active_remote_input_port_count int The number of active remote input ports. [optional]
inactive_remote_input_port_count int The number of inactive remote input ports. [optional]
active_remote_output_port_count int The number of active remote output ports. [optional]
inactive_remote_output_port_count int The number of inactive remote output ports. [optional]
flow_refreshed str The timestamp when this remote process group was last refreshed. [optional]
contents RemoteProcessGroupContentsDTO The contents of the remote process group. Will contain available input/output ports. [optional]

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