

Name Type Description Notes
name str The name for the property. [optional]
display_name str The human readable name for the property. [optional]
description str The description for the property. Used to relay additional details to a user or provide a mechanism of documenting intent. [optional]
default_value str The default value for the property. [optional]
allowable_values list[AllowableValueEntity] Allowable values for the property. If empty then the allowed values are not constrained. [optional]
required bool Whether the property is required. [optional]
sensitive bool Whether the property is sensitive and protected whenever stored or represented. [optional]
dynamic bool Whether the property is dynamic (user-defined). [optional]
supports_el bool Whether the property supports expression language. [optional]
identifies_controller_service str If the property identifies a controller service this returns the fully qualified type. [optional]
identifies_controller_service_bundle BundleDTO If the property identifies a controller service this returns the bundle of the type, null otherwise. [optional]

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